Currently en Puerto Rico — 26 de septiembre, 2023: Aumentan las lluvias

Estela de humedad de la distantísima Phillipe

El miércoles será el día más lluvioso de la semana laboral a medida que una estela de humedad asociada con la muy distante tormenta tropical Phillipe llegará a Puerto Rico, a pesar de que la debilitada tormenta o depresión estaría a cientos de millas de distancia. Esto conducirá a aguaceros dispersos en el este durante la noche y primeras horas de la mañana, seguidos de aguaceros y tronadas vespertinas que serán más fuertes en el interior y suroeste debido a vientos del noreste. Este flujo de viento también contribuirá a calor excesivo en las áreas urbanas y costeras del oeste, noroeste y centro norte de Puerto Rico, aunque también hará calor en el resto de la isla. Un oleaje del noreste también generará peligrosas corrientes de resaca en las playas orientadas al norte y del Atlántico desde el miércoles hasta al menos el viernes.

—John Toohey-Morales

What you need to know, currently.

There’s a new Green New Deal in town — this time, it’s for schools.

Over the past five years or so, the Sunrise Movement has led the push for a Green New Deal in the US — and has redefined what intersectional climate campaigns can look like. Now, the youth-led org has decided to focus on their peers — in an attempt to strengthen climate justice efforts in school districts across the country.

“We are prepared to do whatever it takes,” Portland, Oregon-based Sunrise Movement organizer Adah Crandall, 17, told the Guardian.

The new campaign focuses on electrifying school buses, providing sustainable and healthy food — for free — to all students, and providing pathways to climate-focused jobs after graduation, among other demands.

Earlier this summer, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child specified the obligation that countries have to protect children’s right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment — explicitly affirming the urgency to act amid the climate emergency, the collapse of biodiversity and pervasive pollution. In the US, a group of kids in the state of Montana won the first-ever state level constitutional lawsuit on climate change earlier this year.

The Green New Deal for Schools campaign needs help signing up new high schools, so if you’re connected to one, sign up here to help support the effort.

What you can do, currently.

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One of my favorite organizations, Mutual Aid Disaster Relief, serves as a hub of mutual aid efforts focused on climate action in emergencies — like hurricane season. Find mutual aid network near you and join, or donate to support existing networks: