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  • Currently en Puerto Rico — 22 de septiembre, 2023: Onda tropical pasará al sur

Currently en Puerto Rico — 22 de septiembre, 2023: Onda tropical pasará al sur

Onda tropical pasando al sur

Una onda tropical aumentará la actividad de aguaceros y tronadas sobre Puerto Rico al menos hasta el viernes, lo que provocará inundaciones y deslizamientos de tierra a medida que fuertes lluvias caigan sobre suelos que ya están sobresaturados. El foco de estas tormentas eléctricas se producirá sobre el interior y oeste de la isla. Durante el fin de semana, los niveles de humedad disminuirán pero se mantendrán lo suficientemente altos como para apoyar la formación de aguaceros y tronadas dispersas. La próxima semana, una serie de ondas tropicales traerán más lluvia: una entre el domingo y el lunes y otra más adelante en la semana que tiene una alta probabilidad de convertirse en un ciclón tropical, aunque es demasiado pronto para determinar los impactos de este sistema en Puerto Rico.

—John Toohey-Morales

What you need to know, currently.

It’s my extreme thrill to announce a partnership with Science Friday’s book club series: During the month of October, Science Friday will be doing a series of events focusing on my book, The Future Earth.

You can RSVP for the book club discussion livestream here, and enter to win your free copy of the book — which will arrive just in time that you don’t miss a thing!

If you haven’t read The Future Earth yet, there’s an excerpt here, the book also features a series of thought experiments and small group exercises at the back, so it’s going to be really exciting to do all this with the huge audience that Science Friday will bring.

I wrote this book because I truly believe a better world that works for everyone is possible, and I wanted to imagine what it would be like to live in that world. If you’re in need of a bit of realistic hope-grounded-in-justice right now, I wrote this book just for you.

What you can do, currently.

Currently Sponsorships are short messages we co-write with you to plug your org, event, or climate-friendly business with Currently subscribers. It’s a chance to boost your visibility with Currently — one of the world’s largest daily climate newsletters — and support independent climate journalism, all at the same time. Starting at just $105.

One of my favorite organizations, Mutual Aid Disaster Relief, serves as a hub of mutual aid efforts focused on climate action in emergencies — like hurricane season. Find mutual aid network near you and join, or donate to support existing networks: