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  • Currently en Puerto Rico — 26 de junio, 2023: Calor excesivo con aguaceros y tronadas aisladas por la tarde

Currently en Puerto Rico — 26 de junio, 2023: Calor excesivo con aguaceros y tronadas aisladas por la tarde

El tiempo, currently.

Calor excesivo con aguaceros y tronadas aisladas por la tarde

Ya no existe amenaza tropical para Puerto Rico, ya que la tormenta tropical Cindy ha seguido debilitándose a medida que avanza a cientos de kilómetros al noreste de la isla. Se pronostica que se debilite en una depresión tropical el lunes por la mañana y eventualmente se disipe antes del martes. El peligro principal seguirá siendo el calor extremo, particularmente a lo largo de la costa norte. El calor aumentará entre el domingo y la mitad de la semana laboral, con índices de calor que superarán los 111 grados en las zonas urbanas y costeras del oeste, noroeste, centro-norte y Culebra. Cada día se emitirán Avisos de Calor Excesivo. La actividad de lluvia disminuirá el lunes, pero existe la posibilidad de algunos aguaceros fuertes y tronadas durante la tarde.

—John Toohey-Morales

What you can do, currently.

Currently is entirely member funded, and right now we need your support!

Our annual summer membership drive is underway — with a goal to double our membership base over the next six weeks which will guarantee this service can continue throughout this year’s hurricane season. We’ll need 739 new members by July 31 to make this goal happen.

If these emails mean something important to you — and more importantly, if the idea of being part of a community that’s building a weather service for the climate emergency means something important to you — please chip in just $5 a month to continue making this service possible.

Thank you!!

What you need to know, currently.

A heat wave centered on Mexico has entered its third week, with temperatures expected to continue setting new all-time records in both Mexico and the US.

The heat wave is worrying local officials due to its longevity, with an official in Nuevo Leon state calling it Mexico’s longest heat wave in at least 20 years.

Power grids in both Mexico and Texas have set new all-time records for electricity usage, as air conditioning has had to work 24-hours a day in millions of homes. Severe weather, thunderstorms, and tornadoes have been affecting regions of Colorado, Texas, and the Southeast US in recent days due to the “heat dome” effect.

Heat waves like this one — long-lasting and more intense than in all historical precedent — bear a strong fingerprint of fossil fuel-driven climate change. Like other remarkable heatwaves around the world in recent years, this heat wave would have been nearly impossible without the extra boost from global warming.

Don’t underestimate this heat if you’re experiencing it firsthand. Heat safety tips from Ready.gov are useful, and available in multiple languages.